St Kitts and Nevis, a twin-island nation located in the Caribbean, has established itself as a leader in the field of Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programmes. The Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) of St Kitts and Nevis is committed to maintaining the highest standards of transparency and good governance in the CBI sector. The restructuring of the CBI programme is aimed at increasing efficiency and accuracy while maintaining strong due diligence processes, ensuring that only investors of the highest calibre are accepted.
The programme offers four routes to second citizenship: investing into the Sustainable Growth Fund, purchasing Government-approved real estate or a private home, or investing in the Public Good Investment Option. Each of these routes has been designed to align with market realities while preserving the platinum brand St Kitts and Nevis has developed over four decades as the operator of the world’s oldest CBI programme.

The CIU is dedicated to ensuring that the CBI programme is run with the utmost transparency, backed by strong due diligence and good governance. A new Board has been put in place to administer the programme, which will be underpinned by three fundamental principles: sustainability, good governance, and pragmatism. These principles are key to ensuring the long-term success of the CBI programme and the protection of the interests of investors and citizens.
St Kitts and Nevis has a lot to offer to those seeking a second citizenship. The country boasts a stable political and economic environment, a favourable tax regime, and a high quality of life. Citizens of St Kitts and Nevis are also entitled to visa-free travel to over 150 countries, including the United Kingdom, the European Union, and Canada.

In conclusion, the St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme provides investors with a safe and secure investment opportunity, backed by strong due diligence, good governance, and transparency. If you’re looking to obtain second citizenship and enjoy the benefits that come with it, the St Kitts and Nevis CBI programme is the perfect solution. Contact Altitude CBI & Residency today to learn more about the programme and how you can become a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis.